Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Big News...... Drumroll Please.....

I bought my very own domain.

It is: http://www.timeoutformom.com/

I haven't started to set it up yet. I am a little intimidated. I called my sister to tell her, and her response was... "how do you do that?" to which I replied "I have no idea!"

I am looking for any advice from others that have set up their own .coms. If you have a bit of advice, email me and I will be forever grateful!

So, there it is... my big announcement! Hopefully you aren't disappointed!


Amy Jo:) said...

How cool is that! Our friends Jill and Darren (Jill was Kristin's friend in high school) have their own domain. They are at Disney right now, but I will pass your info onto them when they get back! I love the domain name!

Stephanie said...

Congrats to you! What a fun adventure to embark on... :)

Have you checked for tips on Blogging Basics 101? It's a great resource: http://www.bloggingbasics101.com/.


Libby said...

Hi Beth! I'm following you now, this is the first chance I've had to go through my comments. Yay! I'm not alone to blogging! Your party seems like it's going to be fun! Can't wait to see the pics!