Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Oh Yeah, I Can Find Bluebonnets Too!


So, growing up in Texas, I loved bluebonnets. Being transplants to Texas, my mom never did the field of flowers photo thing.  People from Iowa don’t put their kids in a corn field to take pics…… at least none that I know of.

Recently I have seen way too many adorable bluebonnet pictures. Like these. And yes, I am jealous.

So even living in Arizona, I decided if I tried hard enough, I could make it happen. Low and behold, it did happen. Please disregard the Wal-Mart background.

1 comment:

Amy Jo:) said...

That is absolutely hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are one funny girl, my friend:) Oh and thanks for the mention of my blog!